How many positions are funded by the AuSpire program?
The AuSpire Program aims to fund up to 28 positions in total, advertised in different calls.
Where can I find the open positions?
All open positions are available here.
How many calls for applications will there be?
There will be 2 calls for applications. The first call will open on 6 February 2025 with a deadline for applying by 11.59pm (CET) on 3 April 2025.
Will a position advertised in the previous call be available again?
Different positions will be advertised in each call. Only unfilled positions will be re-advertised.
How do I complete the application form?
The SlideRoom application portal is user-friendly and intuitive. There is a manual available should you need additional support. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. You must complete your application in English to facilitate the selection procedure. All the information provided must be accurate and complete. Incomplete applications will be disregarded.
To complete your application, you will have to accept the data protection statement and certify that the answers provided are true and complete. You can only submit your application once you have completed all required sections of the application form and uploaded all of the requested documents.
Can I submit more than one application?
You can submit only 1 application but may choose up to 3 positions in each call. Please note that you are not allowed to apply for more than 3 positions. In case you wish to withdraw an application, contact the AuSpire Helpdesk at least 5 days prior to the deadline.
Can I submit documents other than the ones listed?
No, only the documents listed in the Guide for Applicants can be uploaded.
Can I send part of my application or some of my documents by post or by e-mail?
No, applications and all required documents must be submitted electronically through the application portal.
Are references required at the time of application or only if I get shortlisted?
2 references are required at the time of application. You must provide the names and email addresses of at least 2 referees. They will be asked to provide their references online via the application portal. You are responsible for ensuring that your referees submit their reference letters before the deadline.
My application was unsuccessful. What can I do?
Unsuccessful applicants may lodge an appeal within 7 days of receiving the notification email if they believe that the results of the eligibility checks are incorrect and/or feel that there has been a shortcoming in the way their application was evaluated. More details can be found in the Guide for Applicants.
How will AuSpire use the data collected?
The data collected as part of the selection process (application form, uploaded documents, interviews) will be used for the sole purpose of AuSpire recruitment. The coordinator will communicate information of interest to the Selection Panel and Committees and the host universities. The data will be recorded for 5 years after the termination of the AuSpire Program for audit purposes. The collection, processing and sharing of personal data and/or special categories of personal data will comply with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicant regulation on personal data.
I have defended the thesis of my PhD but I have not been awarded the degree officially yet. Will I be considered eligible to apply?
Yes. However, you will need to present a certificate with the expected date of award.
I am a doctoral researcher in Spain. What are the effects of the mobility rule in my case?
According to the mobility rule, you are eligible to apply if you have not lived in Spain for more than 12 months (in total) between April 2022 and April 2025. Please make sure that your CV contains all the exact dates of your previous experiences and study periods.
I am a Spanish citizen. How does the mobility rule apply in my case?
According to the mobility rule, as long as you have not lived in Spain for more than 12 months (in total) between April 2022 and April 2025 you are eligible to apply. Please include detailed information on the dates and location of your previous experience and study periods in your application. The AuSpire management team may ask you to provide additional supporting documents to prove your compliance with the mobility rule.
Is there an age limit to apply?
No. AuSpire will consider all applications as long as they comply with the eligibility criteria.
Do you have positions available for PhDs?
No. AuSpire offers 28 postdoctoral positions. See our currently open positions.
Can I submit more than one application?
You can submit only 1 application but may choose up to 3 positions in each call. Please note that you are not allowed to apply for more than 3 positions. In case you wish to withdraw an application, contact the AuSpire Helpdesk at least 5 days prior to the deadline.
How do I prove English proficiency?
Proficiency in the English language will be assessed on the level of the written project proposal and during the interview.
When will I get a notification of my application status after the interview?
The interviewed candidates will be notified a maximum of 2 weeks after the interview has taken place.
What is the maximum duration of the secondment?
The secondment can last up to 12 months. The final duration and timeline will be agreed between the Postdoctoral Fellow and their supervisors and based on the project’s needs. The selected candidates will receive a relocation for secondment stipend to cover associated costs (flights, visa, insurance, accommodation, etc.)
Is there any support available for relocation for employment?
Yes. AuSpire provides selected candidates with a relocation for employment stipend to cover costs associated to taking up employment (flights, visa, insurance, etc.), to be distributed monthly as a top-up to the gross salary.
What is the purpose of the travel allowance?
Successful candidates will have a travel allowance to cover travel and accommodation costs allowing them to attend AuSpire training and networking activities and other workshops and conferences.
When is a researcher eligible for the family allowance?
There is additional support for researchers with families and family commitments which may be offered through a corresponding increase to their living allowance or through other available HR remuneration mechanisms. This allowance will apply if researchers have persons linked to them by (i) marriage, or (ii) a relationship with equivalent status to a marriage recognised by the legislation of the country or region where this relationship was formalised; or (iii) dependent children who are being maintained by the researcher.
- Employing Entity: Spanish institution employing AuSpire recruited researchers.
- Postdoctoral researcher: Researchers in possession of a doctoral degree at the deadline of the co-funded program’s call.
- Interdisciplinarity: The integration of information, data, techniques, tools, perspectives, concepts or theories from two or more scientific disciplines.
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA): The European Union’s flagship funding programme for doctoral education and postdoctoral training of researchers, managed by the European Research Executive Agency (REA). The MSCA fund excellent research and innovation and equip researchers at all stages of their career with new knowledge and skills, through mobility across borders and exposure to different sectors and disciplines. The MSCA also fund the development of excellent doctoral and postdoctoral training programmes and collaborative research projects worldwide. More information: https://marie-sklodowska-curie-actions.ec.europa.eu/
- COFUND: COFUND is one of MSCA schemes that provides funding for regional, national and international programs for training and career development through co-funding mechanisms. COFUND Doctoral Programs offer research training activities to allow doctoral candidates to develop and broaden their skills and competences.